ქართული ენა. Georgiska
Grammatisk översikt med texter och ordlista
Karina Vamling & Revaz Tchantouria
The present Georgian online course at Malmö University is based on an overview of Georgian grammar that was written (in Swedish) in 1988 and used for a course in Georgian at Lund University. In connection with the anniversary events we turned the material into an ebook with grammar, texts, audiofiles, Georgian/Swedish wordlists and exercises and added photos from Georgia 1988 as illustrations.

Download it here
The ebook (epub3) is available at Malmö University, download here: https://ojs.mau.se/index.php/caucasus/issue/view/115
To read the book and listen to the embedded audio files you need an epub3 reader, such as Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 (free).