Welcome to our online seminar with Denis Keefe (CMG, Director National Security Faculty, Royal College of Defence Studies, London): A Diplomat in Georgia
When: Oct 8, 1.15–3 pm (Swedish time)
Where: Zoom https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/66691993405?pwd=ZmpyZWhSbEZSc0RRZ3BtT1dOZ2tJZz09
Passcode: 198336
Being Ambassador in Georgia is an intense experience which links together cultural, political, historical and strategic issues as you seek to understand and engage with developments. This was particularly true in the period 2007-2010, which included the war with Russia. Denis Keefe reflects on what he learned about Georgia, the Caucasus and Russia.

Lagodekhi, on the Georgia/Russia border
Denis Keefe studied at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, and spent 37 years as a British diplomat. Since 2019 he has been one of the Senior Directing Staff at the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. He has specialised in Central and Eastern Europe, including postings in Prague and Moscow, as well as Kenya. His first posting as Ambassador was to Tbilisi in 2007-2010. In preparation for this, he started to learn Georgian online at Malmo University. His last diplomatic posting was as Ambassador to Serbia from 2014-2019.
The seminar is part of the series Meet Georgian Culture at Malmö University. Read more here.