Research portrait of Märta-Lisa Magnusson

mlmThe Swedish newspaper Arvika Nyheter (2016-07-04) has published a portrait of  Märta-Lisa Magnusson, senior lecturer of Caucasus Studies at Malmö University, describing how her interest in Russia started and evolved, and how it later gradually shifted to also include the Caucasus. bocker

Currently she is one of the lecturers of the online courses in Caucasus Studies, offered at the Section for Caucasus Studies in Malmö. Photo: A selection of Märta-Lisa Magnusson’s many publications on Russia and the Caucasus (

During the collapse of the Soviet Union she took an interest in the country’s minority groups.

– The Soviet Union was a multinational state. Russians were the largest group, of course, but 20 percent were not Russians. How did these peoples think and react to the ongoing processes at that time?

In that way Märta-Lisa found herself engaged in the Caucasus and became interested in Chechya, among other things. In the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s together she undertook  fieldwork and organized study visits for researchers and journalists to the regions that were dominated by non-Russian population.

Read the whole article (in Swedish):

Photo by Anton Eriksson


Summer time and exchange PhD candidates

IMG_0771-2Summer has begun and this means saying goodbye to our exchange PhD candidates: Maka Tetradze (from Tbilisi State University; Erasmus Mundus program) and Natallia Paulovich (from Polish Academy of Sciences; Swedish Institute scholarship program).

Here we are gathered  on the rooftop garden of the faculty building Niagara. It has been great having you at the Section for Caucasus Studies!

Participating in international seminar in Tbilisi

International Seminar on Russian and Caucasus Studies
Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, June 22, 2016
IMG_3216-211:00-11:10, Prof. Tamar Dolbaia, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Georgia.
11:10-11:30, Prof. Bo Petersson (left). “Frail Grounds: Charismatic Legitimacy, Political Myth and the Specter of Regime Succession in Russia.” Malmo University, Sweden.
11:40-12:00, Prof. Alexandre Kukhianidze. “Russia after the USSR: From Professional to Political Organized Crime?” Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
12:10-12:30, Prof. Stephen Jones. Georgia, Russia, and the Limitations of Geography.” Mount Holyoke College, USA.13528712_10205052246580774_6605778065253521837_n

12:40-13:00, Prof. Korneli Kakachia. “South Caucasus: Between Russia and the West.” Tbilisi State University, Georgia.

13:10-13:30, Prof. Karina Vamling (right). “On RUCARR initiative.” Malmo University, Sweden.


Visiting Circassian Center

13511627_1130111727045990_1232858852_nProf. Bo Petersson, Malmö University, visited the Circassian Cultural Center in Tbilisi together with Prof. Karina Vamling.

At the meeting with Director of the Circassian Center, prof Merab Chukhua they discussed recent pubications and prospects for future workshops and other activities.

Read more:
Сегодня в ЧКЦ состоялась встреча с Бо Петерсоном

Circassian conference in Ankara

IMG_2955The conference Gelenek ve Gelecek. Türkiye Çerekeslerinin Günsel Sorunlari (Tradition and Future) was organized by Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyonu in Ankara on May 13.  IMG_0720The second session focused on Circassian linguistic issues and how to teach Circassian and other minority languages in Turkey.  This includes the development of study materials for the teaching of Circassian as an elective school subject (photo to the right).

On the photo above,  Prof. Karina Vamling, Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, together with co-panelists Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Oral (above, to the left), Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yucel, and Ass. Prof. Sinem Vatanartiran (above, to the right), Bahçeşehir University. Photo below: preparing for the panel. IMG_2950

The time in Ankara included a visit together with Muhittin Unal and Erol Taymaz to the head-quarters of the organisation Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyonu, that had recently moved to a new address in the picturesque old town.IMG_2960

The centre holds an impressive library with Circassian and other North Caucasian books on different topics and in many languages. IMG_2962


Oslo’s Caucasological traditions

IMG_0591 - version 2Maka Tetradze, PhD Candidate at Chikobava Institute of Linguistics and visiting researcher at Malmö University,  and Prof. Karina Vamling (Malmö University) have visited archives in Oslo, an active center for research on the languages of the Caucasus in the mid 1920s up to the beginning of the 1980s. For several decades the Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture in Oslo hosted a programme on Caucasology. The most prominent researchers were prof. Hans Vogt (1903-1986), Alf Sommerfelt (1892-1965) and later Fridrik Thordarson (1928-2005), who were also working at Oslo University. Prof. Hans Vogt is most known as the author of “Dictionnaire de la langue oubykh” (1963) and “Grammaire de la langue géorgienne” (1971), whereas Prof. Alf Sommerfelt focused on North-East Caucasian Languages and Fridrik Thordarson devoted most of his research to Ossetic.

Collaboration with Circassian Cultural Center

thumbnailProf. Merab Chukhua met with Karina Vamling and Revaz Tchantouria (Malmö University) at Circassian Cultural Center in Tbilisi.

Several issues were discussed – a forthcoming joint event at the Center in June and a project application to a Swedish research foundation.

Furthermore, Karina Vamling met with two Georgian PhD candidates, who will spend the academic year 2016/2017  on Erasmus Mundus scholarships at the Section for Caucasus Studies at Malmö University.

Conference – Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic Way

IMG_0562Prof. Karina Vamling (Malmö University) attended the conference Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic Way, organised by Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic Forum IMG_0546 (1)at Nato Liason Office Georgia on April 19, 2016.

One of the speakes at the one-day conference was Laura Thornton, senior director at National Democratic Institute (NDI), who presented results from the recent public opinion poll in Georgia that notes high support for Nato and EU (

IMG_0542The conference was attended by politicians, diplomats and researches. Among the participants – to the left: Professors Valentina Teosa (Moldova State University, Interntional Relations Department), Karina Vamling and Alexandre Kukhianidze (Tbilisi State University, Department of Political Science).