Exchange PhD candidate Tamuna Lomadze

TamunaTamuna Lomadze is exchange PhD candidate within the Erasmus Mundus Eminence program. Her area of studies is sociolinguistics and the topic of her thesis is “Cognitive Aspects of Communicative Influence on Public Opinion”.

Tamuna is visiting Malmö University for 18 months during the academic years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Her home institution is the Department of Kartvelology and Sociolinguistics, School of Humanities of Saint Andrews Georgian University, Tbilisi, Georgia (link).

Exchange PhD candidate Maka Tetradze

Maka Tetradze is exchange PhD candidate within the Erasmus Mundus program. She is visiting Malmö University and Caucasus Studies for the two academic years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. She is working on a dissertation on the Lezgian language (Dagestan, Northest Caucasian languages).

Her home institution is Tbilisi State University and the Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.