During Tbilisi University’s Anniversary conference, Prof. Karina Vamling and Dr. Revaz Tchantouria, Malmö University, were invited to meet Head of Department, Prof. Tsira Baramidze, and other colleagues at the Department of Caucasology.
- Revaz Tchantouria, Malmö Univerity, with colleagues at the Depatment of Caucasology
- Revaz Sherozia is showing Arnold Chikobava’s personal documents
- In Prof. Arn. Chikobava’s study
- “To highly esteemed Prof. Arn. Chikobava with the warmest thanks from the author” 1938.17.11
- Arnold Chikobava’s study with its rich library is a part of the Department for Caucasology
- Thank you to Prof. Tsira Baramidze and colleagues for an interesting discussion