On the security situation in Chechnya


Radio P4 interview with Märta-Lisa Magnusson, senior lecturer in Caucasus Studies at Malmö University, on the security situation in Chechnya.

Following a decision by the Swedish Migration Board a Chechen family was sent back to Chechnya from Sweden. A couple of months after their return the father was killed.

Listen to the interview: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=91&artikel=6129699

Workshop: Sochi one year on

Sochi One Year On: Workshop on the Aftermath of the Winter Olympics of 2014

Malmö, Sweden, 12-13 February 2015MAH_ENG_CMYK_300dpi
Organizers: Bo Petersson & Karina Vamling, Malmö University
Venue: Malmö City Museum, Linnaeus Room

workshopThursday 12 February
Alexandra Yatsyk (Kazan/Tartu): Abrading Russia’s sovereignty: from Sochi 2014 to the World Cup 2018
Martin Müller (Zürich): Value for money? Costs and benefits of the most expensive Games ever
Lars Funch Hansen (Copenhagen): Impressions after two field-visits to the Sochi Black Sea coast during 2014: Circassians and ethno-tourism

Friday, 13 February
Bo Petersson & Karina Vamling (Malmö): Fifteen Minutes Long Gone: The Circassians after Sochi
Sergei Akopov (St. Petersburg): Sochi-2014: how Olympics became a magnifier and source of competing symbolic politics
Concluding discussion

(Funding: Åke Wiberg Foundation and Malmö University)

Perspektiv på Ukraina, Ryssland och Kaukasus

biblioteketMärta-Lisa Magnusson, universitetslektor i kaukasusstudier vid Malmö högskola,  höll föredrag på Arvika Bibliotek 11 februari över temat Perspektiv på Ukrainakrisen. Ryssland och de postsovjetiska staterna i Kaukasus.

Det händer på Arvika Bibliotek http://arvika.se/kommunochpolitik/pressochinformationsmaterial/nyheter/nyhetsarkiv/dethanderpaarvikabibliotekv7.5.3278eb23144b2e75ebe17749.html


Welcome to the Spring semester 2015

IMER2Today, January 19,  is the first day of the Spring semester 2015. We are very happy to welcome all new students to our Caucasus Studies online courses:

  • Caucasus Field and Case Studies;
  • Post-Soviet Caucasus:Politics, Civil Society: Economy;
  • Caucasus Studies I.

We look forward to working with you and wish you a successful and interesting semester!

Caucasus Studies staff at Malmö University



The Role of Digital Diaspora in the Circassian Revival

larsCaucasus web/campus seminar

On the basis of research from his recently defended doctoral dissertation The Circassian Revival: a quest for recognition at the Dept. of Crosscultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University, PhD Lars Funch Hansen will give the seminar:The Role of Digital Diaspora in the Circassian Revival.

  • When: December 3, 16.15-17.30 (Swedish time)
  • Where: Malmö University Campus, “Kranen” studio
  • Online participation: send an email to caucasus.studies@mah.se

Link to the seminar:  http://bambuser.com/v/5122978


Seminar: Language names and terminology

Professor Zaal Kikvidze, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi Javakhishvili State University, Georgia (http://www.tsu.edu.ge/en/). Title of the seminar – “Language Names: Terminology and Ideology”.

Professor Kikvide is currently on a three month staff exchange at the department (funded by the Erasmus Mundus Ember project, http://www.mah.se/english/Education/Exchange-student/Erasmus-Mundus-EMBER/).


Visiting Dmanisi – cradle of first Eurasians

We often think about the Caucasus as the crossroads of Asia and Europe. Add another ancient road to this: Africa! At archealogical excavations in Dmanisi 1.75 million years old Hominid remains have been discovered. (reconstructions below).

dmanisi2 dmanisi3As noted in the UNESCO World Heritage description (http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5225/), this is the earliest Hominid remains beyond Africa.


Visit Dmanisi: http://dmanisi.ge/?lang=en

dmanisi1Dmanisi is located 85 kilometers south-west of Tbilisi. The site includes remains from the most ancient period of settlement as well as later stone, bronze and historical Middle ages.

(Photo K.Vamling)