Thank you to all participants at the conference ‘Promoting International Dialogue and Protecting Cultural Heritage in the Caucasus’ December 5-6 at the research platform Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR), Malmö University. It has been two days of most interesting presentations and engaging discussions and comments with participants from all parts of the Caucasus! And many thanks to the Swedish Institute for making this event possible.
Category: Events
Fall semester 2018
The fall semester 2018 started with an introductory web seminar today for the new students of Caucasus Studies.
We are happy to welcome our visiting PhD candidate from Free University in Tbilisi, Guranda Bursulaia (to the left), who has come on a grant from the Swedish Institute. It’s great to have Samir Salimzade and Henrik Odden (back row, to the left) joining Caucasus Studies as interns this fall.
Ongoing work on “Audio/Video Archive of the Budukh Language”
Today’s Caucasus seminar was special. PhD Candidate Elnur Aliyev gave a presention to colleagues of Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, and Linguistics at Lund University about ongoing work on his project “Audio/Video Archive of the Budukh Language.
Elnur is soon returning to Tbilisi State University after two years at Malmö University (thanks to funding from Erasmus Mundus and the Swedish Institute).
We look forward contunued cooperation and wish Elnur good luck in his thesis work and other ongoing projects on endangered Dagestani languages.
Seminars: Declarations of Independence in the Caucasus – 100 years
RUCARR and Caucasus Studies, Malmö University (Sweden) are celebrating the 100 years’ Anniversary of the Declarations of Independence in the Caucasus on May 22 with participation from all three South Caucasian republics – Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Sign up by tomorrow, May 17. Welcome!
Programme and sign-up link:
Media comments on the conference ‘Circassians in the 21st century’
The conference “Circassians in the 21st century: Survival and Identity – in the homeland and diaspora”, hosted by RUCARR and the Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, received attention on some news sites and blogs:
November 23
Circassian Culture Center – Черкесский (Адыгский) Культурный Центр участвует на встречах в Швеции. Read the article
November 24
Кавказ.Реалии – Черкесская конференция проходит в Швеции. Read the article.
November 25
Caucasus Times – Итоги конференции в Швеции: Черкесский этикет и язык сохранят черкесов в 21 веке. Read the article
November 26
Adyg Afisha/Адыгэ мэкъэгъэIу – Адыгэ лъэпкъым фэгъэхьыгъэ шIэныгъэ зэхахьэ Швецием щыкIуагъ. Read the article
November 26
NatPress – Итоги конференции в Швеции: Черкесский этикет и язык сохранят черкесов в 21 веке. Read the article
November 29
Кавказ.Реалии – Веха в черкесоведении. Read the article
Conference Circassians in the 21st century
The conference Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora was hosted by Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR) and the Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, November 23-24 2017. Thank you to all presenters and other participants!
(Photos: Elnur Aliyev & Karina Vamling)
Poster presentations at the Circassian conference
Circassian organisations and research materials were showcased in the poster presentations at the conference Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora, hosted by the research platform Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR) & the Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University, November 23-24.
Circassian Women Solidarity Association in Turkey – Gunsel Avci & Didem Baş Bilge
Circassian Culture Association of Nuremberg Germany – Faidi Mahmoud Barsbai
Book presentation: Circassia Born to be Free – Adel Bashqawi (not present)
Federation of Caucasian Associations (Kaffed) – Ufuk Çevik
Circassian Cultural Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia – Merab Chukhua
The Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics – Caspar ten Dam
Circassian Charity Association in Jordan – Zuhdi Janbej Janbek
Circassian Repatriation Organization – Basel Katt & Tina Abzakh
Caucasus Studies at Center for East European Studies, Warsaw – Hamed Kazemzadeh
Archive materials – Walter Richmond
Circassian Congress and Circassian Union – Avraham Shmulevich
(Photos: Elnur Aliyev & Karina Vamling)
Presentation of Diplomat Magazine and Panel discussion
In connection with the Second Annual RUCARR Conference, the bilingual Diplomat Magazine of Georgia organized a presentation of its October issue, which has a special focus on Georgian-Swedish relations.
Katrine Gotfredsen, Caucasus Studies, participated in the following panel discussion Human Rights in Peace-building: Exploring the conflicts in the South Caucasuswith George Mchedlishvili (Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Black Sea University), Malkhaz Kakabadze (Ambassador of Georgia to Sweden and Finland), Gigi Gigiadze (Ambassador of Georgia to Denmark) and Alexandre Kukhianidze (Professor, Tbilisi State University). The panel was moderated by Natia Gamkrelidze, Executive director of the Diplomat Magazine.
When: 2017-11-22 10:00 — 2017-11-22 11:30
Where: GÄDDAN8, Citadellsvägen 7, room – Storm
Lecture by visiting professor Kazim Azimzade
Professor Kazim Azimzade (Azimov) is visiting professor at the Section for Caucasus Studies (Malmö University). On Tuesday October 17, 15.00-16.00, he will give a presentation on multiculturalism in Azerbaijan. All are welcome to the lecture in room 0826, Niagara building. The title of the presentation is The Azerbaijani multiculturalism model.
Professor Azimzade’s home institution is Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology, Baku State University, Azerbaijan. He will visit Malmö University for three months.
Project presentations
A group of students following the course “Caucasus Field and Case Studies” this spring have presented their project reports.
The title of Shane’s project was “Tbilisi Flood Disaster 2015. How social media is influencing disaster response and recovery in Georgia“, based on his field work. Jeanne was interested in the development of relations between Georgians and Abkhazians after the 2008 war. Jacques’s research project work centered around gender studies and the position of women in the South Caucasus. Björn conducted fieldwork in Batumi and presented his interview study “Muslims in Ajara. Identity, belonging and marginalization”. Clayton went to Ingushetia in North Caucasus for his field study: “Promotion of Tourism in Ingushetia Rebranding the Branded”.
Many thanks to Mikale Rundberg who helped us with the technical side of the semianr and presenations.