The Budukhs – photo exhibition and documentary film

Welcome to the opening of a photo exhibition and the screening of a short documentary film about the homeland of the Budukhs, a North Caucasian minority group in the mountains of northern Azerbaijan.
When: May 23, 1 pm
Where: Niagara building 8th floor (0826)

The film project “Homeland” about the Budukhs was created by Orkhan Hajiyev.
The photo exhibition is based on photos by three photographers: Zaur Mirzayev, Taleh Valehov, Elnur Aliyev

Organiser of the event: Exchange PhD Candidate Elnur Aliyev (contact:

Seminar on recent archaelogical findings in Azerbaijan and the Medieval Town of Agsu

Next web/campus seminar will  be devoted to recent archaelogical findings in Azerbaijan. Prof. Fariz Khalilli at the Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage (MIRAS) will give the the presentation: Recent archaeological research in Azerbaijan and the Medieval Town of Agsu.

Photo: Prof. Fariz Khalilli at the excavations

Welcome to the seminar on April 26, 3.15 pm (Swedish time)

Campus: Niagara C0502
Web: Live Lecture (Malmö University)
Web: Sign up at (external participants)

More info

During independence years numerous archaeological expeditions have been carried out by researches in various regions of Azerbaijan in collaboration with researchers from Europe, America and Asian countries, studying different periods of history (Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Antique and Middle Ages).

The Agsu Archaeological Expedition explored settlements and necropolis of four historical sites of the Agsu region, i.e. Nargizava (4th century B.C. – 6th century A.D.), Mehravan (3-8th centuries), Shikhmazid (13-17th centuries) and Agsu (18th century) in 2010-2015.

Circassian refugees from Syria

Web/campus seminar “Circassian refugees from Syria” on March 29. Introduction by Dr. Lars Funch Hansen, Section for Caucasus Studies.

Presentation by Sola-Samar Zakaria, herself a recent refugee from Syria,  followed by discussion with participation of representatives from the new Circassian diaspora in Sweden.

  • When: 15.15, March 29
  • Where: Studio on the 5th floor, C0502 (Niagara)

Short background
Most of the Circassians in North Caucasus were displaced to the Ottoman Empire in the 1860s, following the Russian military expansion in the Caucasus. The largest Circassian diaspora is found in Turkey, but large groups live in many courtries of the Middle East. Before the war, an estimated 100,000 Circassians lived in Syria. Today, many Circassians have been displaced once more and have found refuge in different countries, including Sweden



Seminar on Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Tendencies in Georgia’s Foreign Policy

Caucasus Studies web & campus seminar on February 28, 3.30 pm (Swedish time) presents Dr. David Matsaberidze, who will give a paper on the topic:  “Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Tendencies in Georgia’s Foreign Policy”

David Matsaberidze is Assistant professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

3.30 pm (Swedish time)

Campus seminar – Niagara building  C0502.
Web seminar – for Caucasus Studies students & staff: LIVE Lecture & live chat
Follow the seminar online at:

Exploring the Caucasus in the late 1980s and early 1990s

img_1555 A workshop was held on November 24-25 at the Section for Caucasus Studies (Malmö University), with support from the research platform RUCARR. The focus of the workshop was to discuss perspectives on fieldwork in the Caucasus during the period shortly before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Participants in the workshop were (photo, from the left) Märta-Lisa Magnusson, Søren Theisen, Lars Funch Hansen, Helen Krag and Karina Vamling, who all conducted research in different parts of the Caucasus during this period of transition (Ib Faurby and Vibeke Sperling were not present at the workshop).fem

Open lecture on defence towers in Georgia

the-tower-at-parsma_-768x576Welcome to attend historian Søren Theisen‘s open lecture on the theme “North Caucasian defence towers in Georgia“.

The event is organized jointly with the research platform “Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research” (RUCARR) at the Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University.

Photo: Søren Theisen.

Informing about calls for MA and PhD scholarships

14856028_1237731806283981_1315001442145557684_o-kopia-1At an information meeting about funding for study and research visits to Sweden for Georgian PhD Candidates and MA students – with prof Karina Vamling, Revaz Tchantouria (Malmö University) and prof Merab Chukhua (Circassian Cultural Centre, Tbilisi)

Programmes – Erasmus Mundus Ember, last additional call ( and the Swedish Institute Visby Programme (…/scholarships-and-grants/visby-programme/)


Visit from the Swedish Institute

img_1038-1Markus Boman and Madeleine Mattsson from the Swedish Institute visited the Section for Caucasus Studies (Malmö University) on September 20. Programme manager Markus Boman (to the right on the photo) gave a presentation about the Visby programme and interesting new developments in the coming year.

The programme includes a number of different types of scholarships (both to and from Sweden) for students, researchers and experts and targets the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine.

Tamar Lomadze defended PhD thesis

IMG_3287-2Congratulations to Tamar Lomadze on the successful defense of her PhD thesis. Tamar spent the period  August 2014 – February 2016 as an exchange PhD candidate  (Erasmus Mundus) at the Section for Caucasus Studies in Malmö.

podiumThe title of Tamar Lomadze’s thesis is: “Cognitive Aspects of Communicative Influence on Public Opinion.”

The dissertation was defended at the Department of Kartvelology and Sociolinguistics, School of Humanities of Saint Andrews Georgian University (Tbilisi, Georgia) on June 27.

TemurOpponent was Prof. Teimuraz Gvantseladze (photo to the right) and supervisor Prof. Manana Tabidze. Second supervisor was Prof. Karina Vamling (Malmö University).

The thesis was defended and passed with distinction by the decision of the dissertation committee.

tamadaOf course, this gave good reason and time to celebrate with Tamar and her colleagues, friends and family…

Prof. Tariel Putkaradze (standing, photo  to the left), was chairing the dissertation procedure and continued now in the capacity of tamada or toastmaster.

The new PhD. Tamar Lomadze (to the right) with her two proud supervisors Manana Tabidze (center) and Karina Vamling at the dissertation supra: allatre

At the end of the event, Tamar’s friend, Georgian-Swedish singer-song-writer Sabina Chantouria performed some of her songs.






Summer time and exchange PhD candidates

IMG_0771-2Summer has begun and this means saying goodbye to our exchange PhD candidates: Maka Tetradze (from Tbilisi State University; Erasmus Mundus program) and Natallia Paulovich (from Polish Academy of Sciences; Swedish Institute scholarship program).

Here we are gathered  on the rooftop garden of the faculty building Niagara. It has been great having you at the Section for Caucasus Studies!